CPOC response to American of Anaesthesiologists Consensus
Latest news
11 October on Early screening and optimisation – ‘the practical approaches to implementation
An official database for Surgical Care Practitioners
HSIB Report: selection and insertion of vascular grafts in haemodialysis patients. Links to NatSSIPs
CPOC Chair awarded CBE
CPOC position statement on Modified Release Opioids
This latest survey indicates that in general, we are getting older when we undergo surgery. We are heavier than is good for us, not just overweight but often obese. We have more medical conditions that we are being treated for, therefore we will enter a surgical procedure at a greater risk from complications.
NatSSIPs 2 publication
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has advised that its red cell and group A platelet stock levels are low and in a pre-amber alert status for both.