CPOC Policy

Delivering perioperative care

CPOC is currently reviewing its approach to 'influencing policy' to raise the profile of the perioperative agenda. 

CPOC Strategic Aim 4: Influencing Policy

We will advocate to improve the patient experience of care and seek to improve population health and healthcare value. As we deliver our work, patient and public engagement will be at the core of all we do. We will make a strong case for the importance of perioperative care to realisation of the NHS Long-Term Plan and similar plans in the devolved nations. In addition, we will encourage transformational change and cross-organisational, multidisciplinary, working.


Rapid Research Reviews: The Case for Perioperative Care

This report provides evidence to justify the case for perioperative care, the integrated multidisciplinary care of patients from the moment surgery is contemplated through to full recovery.

Read the full rapid review here

This review explores the benefits of multidisciplinary team working to support people having surgery and the factors that may help and hinder its development and sustainability.

Read the full rapid review here.

This rapid review examines what people having surgery and healthcare teams think of perioperative care and multidisciplinary working around the time of surgery in the UK

Read the full rapid review here.

A blueprint for the NHS efficiency 

CPOC has developed a manifesto ahead of the forthcoming general election to provide ideas for political parties to incorporate into their own manifestos. We advocate for the NHS to continue to mandate perioperative care with the establishment of a transformation fund to overcome initial financial barriers to setting perioperative services up; and the incorporation of perioperative care into the inspection frameworks of organisations such as the CQC.

Are you interested in collaborating with us on perioperative policy?

If so, please get in touch via the link below.