About CPOC

What is the Centre for Perioperative Care?

CPOC is a cross-specialty centre dedicated to the promotion, advancement and development of perioperative care, for the benefit of both patients and the healthcare community.


Who, What, How?

Who are we?

CPOC is a cross-organisational, multidisciplinary initiative led by the Royal College of Anaesthetists to facilitate cross-organisational working on perioperative care for patient benefit.

CPOC is a partnership between patients and the public, other professional stakeholders including Medical Royal Colleges, NHS England and the equivalent bodies responsible for healthcare in the other UK devolved nations.

Read more about our CPOC Partners.

Read more about the CPOC Board.

What is perioperative care?

Perioperative care is the integrated multidisciplinary care of patients from the moment surgery is contemplated through to full recovery. Good perioperative care should improve patient experience of care, including quality of care and satisfaction with care, improve health of populations, including returning to home/work and quality of life, and reduce the per capita cost of healthcare through improving value.

Read more about this on our What is Perioperative Care page.

Read more about this in our For Patients section.

Why is it important?

Around 10 million patients undergo surgery annually in the UK. For most patients surgery is a success, both in terms of the procedure itself and the care before and afterwards. However, the population is changing and so must our services. There are 250,000 patients at higher risk from surgery and this number is set to rise. We believe that collaborative and efficient perioperative care is the route to effective and sustainable surgery. 

Read more about the Case for Perioperative Care.

What will CPOC do?

The Centre for Perioperative Care aims to:

  • improving patient outcomes an experience
  • empowering patients, carers and the public
  • educating and developing the workforce
  • influencing policy
  • promoting research, technology and innovation

Do you have a proposal for the development of CPOC?

We would love to hear your thoughts, so please get in touch.