Guidance on Establishing and Delivering Enhanced Perioperative Care Services published by CPOC and FICM
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CPOC has now published its third rapid research review on Perceptions of perioperative care in the UK
On the 30 September 2020 the GMC has published guidance on Consent and Decision Making that all doctors must follow from the 09 November 2020.
Making the case for multidisciplinary working to support surgical patients- a rapid research review
'National Day Surgery Pathway Delivery Pack' Published
CPOC has now published a major evidence review on the 'Impact of Perioperative Care.'
Personalised Care institute has launched a new curriculum and national e-learning training hub
NICE publishes new guideline 'Perioperative care in adults' that covers care for adults having elective or emergency surgery looking at the whole perioperative pathway
Diabetes UK has published 'Availability of Specialist Support and Equal Access to Surgery For People with Diabetes'