New resources for children and young people living with obesity
Children and young people (CYP) living with obesity are subject to increased perioperative risk, which ought to be conveyed preoperatively. Perceived barriers to initiating conversations around weight with CYP and their families include low confidence in knowing how and when to approach the topic. New paediatric consent guidance from the Society for Obesity and Bariatric Anaesthesia (SOBA) helps anaesthetists navigate these potentially tricky conversations. It outlines a compassionate approach, encompassing language and terminology to use and avoid, specific risks to address and post-operative considerations to consider:

Previous paediatric SOBA guidance suggested safe perioperative drug dosing for CYP living with obesity. The new “Paeds Prescribing Pro” App now allows these complex calculations to be made in the anaesthetic room on a smartphone or desktop according the child’s age, sex, height and weight. It provides adjusted drug dosing of commonly used perioperative medications according to the most recent evidence base: or available on Google Play.