CPOC's response to Never Events consultation

Professor Scarlett McNally, CPOC Deputy Director, said:

"CPOC was delighted to respond to the consultation about 'Never Events' - hundreds of which still happen every year. CPOC re-wrote the National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPs) in 2023, with a large group of clinicians and patient safety experts. Our consultation response states that the biggest problem is that our updated NatSSIPs have not been implemented well enough. NatSSIPs includes two new standards about minimum checks before any implant and about the reconciliation of objects (which would reduce the numbers of guidewires or swabs left in patients). We need every organisation, department and member of staff to use NatSSIPs (we have a webpage with bite-sized resources and summaries to use for educational events). They include clear organisational standards, such as whole-team education. As a surgeon, I am weary of counting bad things, rather than putting in the knowledge to reduce them happening."

