GIRFT Perioperative Care Data added to NHS Model Health System

Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) data which can help NHS teams increase their day surgery rates has now been published on the Model Health System.
Metrics for anaesthesia and perioperative medicine (APOM) have been added to the MHS platform as GIRFT builds on its work to support elective recovery by reducing waiting lists.
Users can register at and navigate to the GIRFT clinical metrics compartment for anaesthesia and perioperative medicine, or click here to go directly to the GIRFT APOM metrics if you already have an account.
The new metrics are drawn from the GIRFT national report for APOM, which was shared with NHS teams across England in 2021. The report recommended that perioperative and surgical teams should take responsibility for driving and delivering a culture of day case as the default option for many procedures, to significantly increase rates and help tackle the surgical backlog resulting from COVID-19.
GIRFT’s APOM data on the MHS aligns closely with the metrics and standards set by the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS), reflecting the collaborative relationship between the two organisations. In 2020, together with the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC), they jointly published a National Day Surgery Delivery Pack, building on the learning from best practice day surgery pathways to enable trusts to safely expand the amount of day surgery they undertake.
The new MHS compartment features more than 100 cross-cutting metrics to support improvement across the three pathways – day case, elective and emergency surgery – allowing trust and system users can see their performance in areas such as the percentage of emergency and non-elective patients receiving surgery on the day of their admission or length of stay for patients over 70. Frailty, deprivation and co-morbidity information is also included.
To find out more information and access the information please visit the GIRFT website.