Read new resources and signposting to information to better prepare patients for surgery
Case Studies The Importance of Psychological Support and Social Prescribing
CPOC has developed a one-page document to demonstrate the perioperative management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) in adults.
SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19, risk assessment and timing of elective surgery
The Centre for Perioperative Care, working in collaboration with the British Geriatrics Society, has now published guidance for the care of people living with frailty undergoing elective and emergency surgery that encompasses the whole perioperative pathway
Case studies on the Postoperative Phase
Case studies on preoperative optimisation
CPOC has been tasked by NHSE/I to review The National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures standards
BADs, GIRFT and CPOC have produced and published the National Day Surgery Delivery Pack