Call for HCPs Interested in Improving Care Before Cancer Surgery

PARITY aims to improve prehabiliation (prehab) before cancer surgery. PARITY aims to make a major

contribution towards addressing the problem of variation in prehabilitation before cancer surgery. The study will work with patients, carers and healthcare professionals to find ways to describe, measure and assess the quality of services. They will also identify and share examples of best practice about how

services are developed, funded and delivered.

Recruitment is now open for healthcare professionals (HCPs) who are interested contributing to developing a better understanding of the barriers and facilitators of delivering prehabilitation before cancer surgery. Parity are very keen on working with a range of HCPs including those who directly deliver prehabilitation assessments and interventions to cancer patients and to those who have an interest in reducing inequalities in the delivery of healthcare services in the NHS.

This will be a co-production project working together with the public, health care professionals and researchers towards building a consensus criteria based on our values, expectations and standards of care in prehabilitation. 

There will be 3 workshops at Lancaster Castle, Lancaster (LA1 1YJ).

  • 18/11/2022 
  • 09/12/2022
  • Late January (TBC).

The project will reimburse travel expenses, and NHS organisations will be able to claim costs back if required. 

If you and your colleagues are interested, please contact PARITY via to register your interest.