AoMRC Publishes Report 'Developing Professional Identity in Multi-professional Teams'

AoMRC Report

The AoMRC has published ‘Developing Professional Identity in Multi-professional Teams’ in May 2020 that echoes CPOC’s drive to facilitate cross-organisational working to the benefit of the patient and optimisation of the workforce. A broader more integrated approach to working is required to provide patient centred care.

The report highlights principles for successful multi-professional working that optimises the role of each member, does not threaten individual professional identity and provides the best care for patients. CPOC as a multi-professional centre recognises individual professionalism but emphasises the importance of the group as a collective while still respecting each team member’s role and responsibilities.

The guidance explores five key themes;

  • How changing roles and responsibilities should be communicated and understood
  • The principles that underpin effective team-working, which enable individuals and teams to thrive and deliver the best care for patients
  • The importance of celebrating diversity and difference and resisting protectionism and silo-working, which involves creating a supportive culture, promoting respect for the contribution of others, and resolving conflict effectively
  • How interprofessional education and training can enhance professional identity formation and team-working skills at the outset of medical and healthcare careers
  • The ongoing role of CPD, supervision, mentoring and appraisal in stimulating a culture of shared learning and a supportive and self-reflective environment

To find out more on multi-professional working and its fantastic benefits for the provision of care you can access the report below.

Effective team-working is essential for the delivery of patientcentred care. With an ageing population, a rise in comorbidities and increased specialisation of healthcare, patients need a holistic, team-based approach. This requires practitioners from different clinical professional backgrounds working together and adapting to new models of care.

AoMRC Report, May 2020

AoMRC Report

Developing Professional Identity in Multi-Professional Teams, May 2020